“The biggest stress of all is trying to be who you are not.”

– Gabor Mate

Upcoming Events

On demand

Work with me

  • personal coaching

    Book your Personal Coaching Session with Nina

    Ready to reconnect with yourself to lead a life true to your Self? Book a personal coaching with Nina.

  • corporate

    Company Workshops

    I’m passionate about supporting organizations who want to make a difference

  • corporate & events

    Speaking & Panels

    I am available for panels, presentations, talks, or company workshops on a variety of topics.

Workshops, Trainings & Practices


    Mindful Leadership Seminar

    Coming 2024

    Re-treat. Re-charge. Re-connect.

    3 days of practice, teachings and self inquiry for your mindful leadership

  • youtube

    Follow us on

    for insights, practices & inspirations

  • live & recording

    Yoga Nidra with Nina

    A deep meditation practice to find rest in your body, mind and heart.

  • online & in-person

    Coaching X Tarot - The magic of trusting your path

    An extraordinary self exploration to uncover the wisdom you carry inside - combining your intuition, self exploration, coaching and the magic of tarot

  • free breath practice

    Atem-Meditation für Erdung (Deutsch)

    Eine kostenlose Meditation um Erdung inmitten von Veränderung und Chaos zu finden.

  • recording

    The Transitions

    3 workshops of 3 hours each to support you during the cycles of change

    All workshops can be attended separately or as a series.

  • meditation journey

    With:in - A 4-Week Breath & Meditation Journey for Beginners & Advanced

    Join me on a 4-week journey through different practices, to find balance, clarity and deep connection.

  • online workshop

    A Meaningful Year - Recording

    Through self reflection and neuro-scientific insights you are guided to identify what is meaningful to you, and how to incorporate it in your life.

  • online

    Breathwork: tbd

    Through the breath we regenerate our nervous system, so we feel more at ease and can bounce back from stress more easily. Breathwork allows us to get unstuck and trust into the flow of our life again.


  • online meditation

    Yoga Nidra, tbd

    A deep meditation practice to find rest in your body, mind and heart.

    Live & replay

  • online meditation

    Re.connect Meditation (Advent) Calendar

    Unwrap 24 moments of calmness and meaningful connection

  • group journey

    STRESS:LESS - A Seminar & Self-Exploration

    4 months, 3 deep dive workshops, self-reflection, nervous system regulation practices, a group of handpicked leaders from all walks of life.

Articles & Podcasts

  • article (german)

    Neinsagen ohne schlechtes Gewissen

    Article weekend.at: Woran liegt es, dass es uns so schwer fällt nein zu sagen und wie können wir das ändern?

  • interview (german)

    Forbes F’15 Mindful Executive Coaching

    Interview with Andrea Gläsemann from "Forbes".

  • post

    No one has their sh*t together

    Why I no longer pretend to have it all together (plus many more)

  • article

    The Radical Power of Subtle Change

    "Forbes" Article: The Radical Power of Subtle Change

  • podcast (german)

    Wie du den Leistungsdruck hinter dir lässt und deine Wahrheit lebst

    Podcast Interview with Jakob Horvat from "Thousand First Steps".

  • article (german)

    Ich leiste also bin ich... etwas wert.

    "Forbes" Article: Ich leiste also bin ich... etwas wert.

  • podcast (german)

    Wie du den Leistungsdruck loslassen kannst

    Podcast Interview with Lisa Maria Centeno from "Business Basics"

  • podcast (german)

    Sind wir glücklich bei der Arbeit wenn wir achtsam umgehen?

    Podcast Interview with Sarah Kim Reitz from "Monday Smiles"

  • interview (german)

    Interview mit Nina Haidinger

    Interview with Lisa Radda from "energieleben.at"