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Re.connect Meditation Advent Calendar

Find calm and meaning this Christmas season

One life.

Just One.

Why aren’t we running
- like we are on fire-
towards our wildest dreams?

Jim Kwik

When we were children, end of the year was a time of slowing down, living in magic and spending meaningful moments together. A time of peace, tranquility and connection. 

As adults, end of year often looks differently: a time of rushing, last-minute-everythings and missing of the special moments. 

Let it be different this year.

When was the last time you felt peace and meaning around Christmas time?

Let’s make this christmas a meaningful one

Re.connect Meditation Advent calendar

The Re.connect meditation advent calendar is for those who want to cultivate peace and connection instead of hectic and consumption. Each day guides you through a different breath or meditation practice designed to release stress, and find calm. Moments become meaningful, when we are present for them. These practices support you to build your presence, so you can be here with what and who truly matters.

In under 15 minutes a day.

And since Christmas is about being together - bring in your team, family and loved ones to cultivate calm, presence and connection together. 

Join our free opening meditation

What’s included

  • Free Opening Meditation: November 27, 6.00-6.30pm CET (Recording available)

  • Meditation Advent Calendar: from December 1-24

    • Daily meditations: <15mins to suit any calendar

    • Pre-recorded: practice when and as often as you like

    • Pause-days: catch up or continue with optional practices

    • Custom playlist: practice with or without music

  • 2 live practices - incl. Recording

  • Self Reflection questions for journaling, coaching, … (optional)

  • Special suggestions how to use the calendar in your team, group of friends (upon request)

  • Permanent access to meditations after calendar ends

All meditations are nervous-system and trauma-informed


Early-Christmas-Elf (until 22.11.22): 99€

Regular: 150€

Connection Price: 99€ (If you participate with loved ones)

Supported: 66€ (If this year was challenging)

Reach out for special pricing for teams

Advent Calendar - Overview

Gift mindfulness this Christmas - Ask for our beautiful Gift Cards

Unwrap 24 moments of calmness and meaningful connection

This is for you, if you want to …

  • Feel more calm and peace this Christmas season

  • Cultivate presence to experience more meaning

  • Strengthen your ability to connect with yourself and those around you

  • Experience more magic this holiday season

  • Get started/ deepen your meditation practice

  • Gift something meaningful 

  • Find clarity on your path forward

  • Regulate your nervous system and decrease stress

  • Have a calendar that supports your self development journey

  • Strengthen your body-mind-soul connection

Unwrap 24 moments of calmness and meaningful connection

Meditations for those who want to make a difference - and stay healthy and happy while doing it

Nina’s meditations are designed for those who want to make big impact, and realized their body, mind and heart need to work together to do this. They are for those who know they are not just brains on a stick, but have a body to take care of. For the bodies who are full of talent, and sometimes have a hard time slowing down. For the minds who are so full of ideas, they sometimes can’t be still. For the hearts who are so full of love, they sometimes need a little courage to share it. These practices are for us who want to “make” a difference, so we can realize that we can “be” the difference instead. 

The only journey is the one within.

rainer maria rilke


  • This calendar is for all levels. No matter if you can sit still for 2 hours, or no 2 seconds - the techniques pick you up where you are, and we always offer modifications where necessary.

  • We have people from all different backgrounds and relationships to Christmas joining. Christmas was initially not a religious celebration, but a celebration of light. Which is why we use the 24 days as an anchor to offer a playful way to get started with meditation. This program is most of all about finding more calm, connection and meaning in your life. Our practices are not Christmas themed (except for specials which are marked) so you can use the calendar without any affiliation to Christmas.

  • Our daily practices are max. 15 minutes long. Longer practices are only offered as optional. We also include “Days to pause” where you can catch up on meditations you didn’t make, or re-do the ones you enjoyed the most. In any case, this calendar invites you to be kinder with yourself. So maybe instead of pursuing perfection, you might want to make it a time of taking care of yourself. Which on some days might be doing the meditation, and on some days not doing it.

  • We know Christmas can be a challenging time for a lot of us. This program is most of all about finding more calm, connection and meaning in your life. Our practices are not Christmas themed (except for specials which are marked) so you can use the calendar without any affiliation to Christmas. If you need mental health support during the Christmas time, find some free resources here

  • The calendar makes a meaningful and mindful Christmas gift. The meditations are setup in a timeless way, so you can practice them throughout the seasons. And people can also start their mindful journey after the holidays

  • Yes, please reach out for a customized offer for your team/ organization. We also put together some ideas to use the calendar for team bonding, which you can use for a special holiday season

  • Although Nina always says “After Christmas is before the next Christmas” - we wanted to create something that supports you beyond any holidays. You keep the calendar after Christmas and we adapt the order of the pause-days slightly, so you can re-use the program or meditations throughout the year. This also makes it a perfect gift for Christmas, because people can start their meditation journey also after the holidays.

  • Please use the code “IRECEIVE” at checkout and you can receive the calendar at 66€

Gift mindfulness to your organization and team

Especially in business, we deserve moments of slowing down. Support your organization and team with our science-based practices. A kind and playful way to integrate mindfulness into your team’s/ organization end of year pace.

Reach out for a customized offer, and our special tipps on how to integrate it in your team meetings.

Client Love

  • “Last year, I had more projects than ever before - and I was as peaceful as never before. With just under 15 minutes a day. Definitely joining this year again.”

  • “The Re.connect calendar helped me ground myself and start connecting with myself again after a long time of disconnect and unkindness towards myself. It was an anchor during turbulent times and marked the start of a journey back to myself. I highly recommend it to everyone out there.”

  • “This journey with you was magical. I have the feeling that I know a bit more about myself and where I belong. I feel more grounded, more balanced and like I can trust myself again”

  • “I have never felt as much growth through meditation and breath practices as with Nina.”

  • “A daily highlight of “Me-Time” in my hectic days.”

  • “Last christmas season was really difficult for me. The calendar helped me process what happened and find the balance I needed.”

  • “It was beautiful to experience Christmas time mindfully thanks to the Re.connect calendar. I was able to process the year, and also consciously walk through the start of my new year.”

  • “Nina has the extraordinary ability to sense exactly what people need during this very special experience. She radiates compassion and safety, encourages her participants to engage in this journey and allows everyone to orchestrate this experience individually. “

  • “Through the calendar the world of meditation opened up to me. Through my short daily practices, I noticed how strongly my well-being improved. I was really present and relaxed during December, thanks to the calendar.”

  • “Through the calendar I was able to be so much more present during Christmas. It was a beautiful ritual I was looking forward to every day.”

Food for Thought