Did you know, you can train your brain to be happy?

Happiness is not something that is magically bestowed upon us from the outside, or a scarce resource that some people received more of than others because of their life circumstances. We all know that one person who has everything and is still miserable AF. 

Why are some people happier than others? 

Because they have understood that happiness has nothing to do with what is going on around them. Your happiness depends on you alone. You do not just become happy overnight - it is a habit you reinforce every single day.

Makes sense, but wait...How? 

By allowing yourself to focus on the things that make you happy. 

Sounds simple - Why is it that hard though?

Biologically our brain is wired to focus on the negatives - makes sense: if you want to survive, you better look for tigers, not roses. However, while the tigers of our every day life might still seem as scary as they used to back in the good old cave days (Hello, colleague roaring over that one mistake), they are no longer life threatening. 

So the work is in:

🐅  debunking your brain when it goes into "potential tiger present"mode

🐅 calm it down - this means self-care, people!

🐅 and allow yourself to focus on the roses instead

🌹 and there are always roses around.

The bottom line: Happiness is not a scarce resource. It is a habit you can train, which requires commitment - every damn day.

Now get on your mat, and get out those happy weights - and let me hear you roar! (Yes, I am aware how bad that metaphor is, but sometimes you just gotta live a little) 


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