Nina Haidinger | Mindful Leadership Coaching

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Why I am leaving social media

“Affix to the bow the sharp arrow of devotional worship; then, with mind absorbed and heart melted in love, draw the arrow and hit the mark - the imperishable Absolute.”
Mundaka Upanishad

I am here to write to you to today, to let you know that with this post I am ending my activities on Instagram and Linkedin. There is a lot of grief in myself as I write these words and tension in my body. Yet also such a deep strength for the truth I feel when I share this. Before I dive into the why, let me prioritize our connection.

How to stay connected:

Join my newsletter for updates on my offerings, life and reflections

Join my monthly practices and workshops (also stay updated on that site)

Enjoy free practices and content by following me on Youtube

Work with me 1:1 (company or private)

Work with me with your team or organization

All links in bio

Now let’s dive in

As a chronic over-explainer, I set myself the intention to share peace with this message - not a desire to be understood. In fact, my first post was on December 26, 2019 (in this very house I am typing in now) and it said “I am okay in being misunderstood” A sentence of which the depth I am just uncovering now.

Why am I leaving? To put it shortly: Because being on here doesn’t feel aligned with my Truth anymore.

If I do my work authentically, what I would want you to do after engaging with my content is: 1) close down this app 2) go into the world and live your life. Yet that is not how this social media thing works. I am really grateful for what these platforms have offered me and the people I was able to meet (you might be one of them). Yet standing up for what I believe in is part of my work and growth. I can’t stand for a world of slowing down and authentic impact, by speeding up trying to stay relevant in a system that isn’t working for me.

I am not enjoying putting out short content consistently. I don’t enjoy reading short content consistently. My average daily Instagram time is 20mins, I don’t use Linkedin for days - and I still feel like I spend too much time on these platforms.

I love depth. I love depth in my 1:1 work, in my meditations, in my personal relationships, in the content I engage with. I love sitting down to read a heartfelt newsletter, I love audio books, long podcasts, listening to friends, sitting in silence, sharing too long stories, I sometimes spend years reading one book because I take it in one page at a time. This is me. And I can’t shove that into 15 seconds, just so it will catch our dysregulated attention span, to then invite us to live a more regulated life. And I don’t want to make anybody else out there believe they have to do this either. In essence: I am no longer at home on these platforms.

Having said that: I want to leave space on these platforms for the people who have messages to share on them

To me, these platforms are filled with so much noise. By being on a platform I don’t love, I am contributing to that noise. There are creators who feel deeply nourished by social media. They love creating and consuming the content, they love engaging on there. I want to leave space for these people and their love on your feed - instead of my cut-down version of myself. 

Mostly, I am leaving to create space for my self

I want to offer myself more space and engage in ways that feel meaningful to me. I will continue to share content - my heart would probably burst if I didn’t. There are different options, yet for now, I just want to hold space for the freed up energy without having to “put it somewhere else”. I feel it is an art to be with a space without filling it. That full emptiness and empty fullness. I want to practice with this - there is a lot I can learn here.

And to also share that honestly: I am terrified about leaving. And I am relieved about leaving.

Terrified because I am scared about losing clients and opportunities - and let’s face it: I will. And I will allow myself space to grief in those moments, to be angry and scared and disappointed.
My relief comes along that: knowing that the people who will stay will meet in a different energy and intention. I feel relief because I know I am leading my business aligned with my values - right now in this moment, not in a fictional point in time in the future. I choose to share my work from a place of alignment. This space of alignment feels abundant and alive. That is what I want: aliveness. And aliveness is here in standing in my truth.

If you want to stay connected

please subscribe to my newsletter, I will share updates here. Equally, my website is always updated about our latest events - and we already have beautiful events online for January and February. For free practices follow my Youtube. For questions reach out via email. The links are all in my bio. 

I haven’t decided if I want to continue to use the platforms for myself privately. I will take a break until end of January 2024. If you want to connect, my email address is linked and I will still check until Dec 23 to exchange numbers.

I want to thank everyone who supports me, our message and a more authentic and peaceful world on these platforms.

I am really grateful for what these platforms have offered me and the people I was able to meet - you might be one of them.I work with leaders with deep missions and visions to lead true to who they are. Thank you to my team who supported me in finding my truth: Mary, Emilia and Lili, and of course: Teresa. Thank you to Daniel who went over this with me a 1000 times. Thank you to Steffi for holding space for my reflections. Thank you Kristina for our discussions and your valuable input.

And thank you to all of you who keep showing up making these platforms worth the while of many - I gladly bow out to give the space to you.

These days, please consider that it is challenging for a lot of self employed people out there. Your recommendations, bringing along friends or gifting our products makes a difference - so maybe there is a way you want to support someone’s work over the holidays.

Lastly, I want to close by saying

Marking a clear ending is important to me, because I often avoid grief and just “fade out”. Yet, I am aware of my cyclical nature and I don’t know what the future will hold. I don’t show up in discipline, I show up in devotion. And in that devotion to my work, there is a chance that these platforms or my opinion towards them will change. Maybe a story will pop up again, I return forever or never. This is the freedom of being a human being, that we can honor our ever changing nature and trust the path something Greater weaves for us. I surrender to this Greater Power by honoring this ending, and trusting wherever it will take me. I take full responsibility for the steps which need to be taken in following that path.

I don’t know where I am going, yet I know that I am walking in love. 

Alles Liebe, 
